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An innovative approach

An innovative measure at the workplace usually involves implementing change, an important reform or improvement in terms of new technologies. But at Deutsche Werkstätten it is our approach that is innovative: in particular, how we form interdisciplinary teams to respond to a particular task. Exceptional projects require an exceptional response. Whether the challenge is to meet a very tight deadline or to produce organic forms, the solution often requires more than just the application of new technologies! To provide the best possible solution, we pool the full range of skills and know-how available, building cross-disciplinary teams with expertise from planning and engineering through to production and installation. Deutsche Werkstätten operates an internal structure based on flat hierarchies in which the individual is encouraged to take responsibility for his or her own work.

The role of the management is not to ‘control’ the work of others, but rather to provide input, direction and support when necessary. Deutsche Werkstätten does not hesitate to commission external expertise, when needed. This willingness to collaborate with external partners in pursuit of a common goal is a further demonstration of its pioneering approach. Michael Dupke is convinced that optimizing work processes is crucial. “Of course, we cannot detract from the value of quality craftsmanship, but at a certain point methodology plays an increasingly important part. Whether the improvements are achieved through logistics, development issues, digitalization or work processes in general, the aim is always the same – to be able to keep the focus on what really matters – achieving the best possible result.”

Editorial note: This article was published in 2020.


The bridge from design to realisation © Photo: PR DW/ M. Mieth