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Risk and Opportunity

Sometimes the refit of an existing yacht can take longer than building a new one from scratch. One such refit is a 15-year-old, 78-metre-long, yacht that Deutsche Werkstätten has been working on since 2017. Udo Jaeschke, Project Manager at Deutsche Werkstätten, explains why so many competitors turned their backs on this project. “It is such an unusual design, unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. There is something futuristic about it, how you would imagine a spaceship to be. All organic forms with not a straight wall in sight.” Asked why they took on the project Udo gives the typical DW answer: “Because we’ve never done anything like that before and a risk is also always an opportunity!” In his view the company’s experience and success to date, are reason enough.

DW has years of experience in 3D engineering, its very own R&D laboratory to test different materials and their application, identifying alternatives if necessary and the expertise required to ensure that the extravagant design also meets all construction and safety regulations, including fire safety regulations, sound-proofing, climate resistance and various security aspects. It was unequivocally the right decision to take on this challenge. The project is a great success and the company has once again been able to advance to new heights of craftmanship and technical expertise.

Editorial note: This article was published in 2020.

Identifying risks and coming up with alternatives © Photo: PR DW/Marlen Mieth