Rudolf Horn und das MDW

Rudolf Horn and the MDW

Those who don't know it might think that the cryptic abbreviation 'MDW' is a medical device or a programming language. In fact, however, it is something very close to everyday life. The self-assembly furniture 'Montagemöbel Deutsche Werkstätten' was the most successful range of furniture produced by our company during the GDR era and found its place in many East German apartments.

The designer, Rudolf Horn, together with Clauss Dietl, was one of the stars of the nation’s design scene. The Dresden-Pillnitz Museum of Decorative Arts is dedicating an exhibition to him (24.8.-3.11.2019). The curators are now looking for stories, descriptions and pictures about life with the MDW series. If you have something to contribute, please contact Klara Nemeckova, who is currently getting the presentation off the ground with a great deal of dedication:

Rudolf Horn und das MDW