Grenzen | Borders
European Architectural Photography Prize 2017
Since 1995, the architekturbild European Architectural Photography Prize has been awarded every two years, since 2003 by the non-profit association architekturbild e.v., which has been cooperating with the German Architecture Museum DAM, Frankfurt am Main, since 2008, and with the Bundesstiftung Baukultur, Potsdam/Berlin, since 2016.
The theme for 2017 was "Grenzen | Borders". Whether in the sense of opening or closing, of enclosing or excluding, whether as a definition of geographical or (urban) spatial areas: borders are physically present and clearly legible or subtly perceptible, are regarded as protective or deterrent. In the context of the European Architectural Photography Prize 2017, the focus is by no means on negative interpretations of the term; the primary focus is on the built environment and the photographic-artistic engagement with it.
The exhibition includes 28 picture series. The Berlin photographer Andreas Gehrke was awarded first prize. Three further prizes went to the photographers Matthias Jung, Daniel Poller and Wilhelm Schünemann. Five image series were honoured with a distinction and 19 with a commendation
A look into the exhibition
© Photos by the artists and photos of the exhibition: Lothar Sprenger