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An Attractive Employer

An attractive employer

Deutsche Werkstätten has, since its foundation in 1898, successfully combined craftsmanship with engineering and is synonymous with both tradition and innovation. For Jan Jacobsen the history of the company is an important element in attracting potential employees even among the younger generation. “The history of this company, its background and deep-rooted foundations provide a valuable sense of security. Without it we would not have this sense of stability and longevity.” A further attraction is the extraordinary nature of the projects we work on. Our employees are dealing with exceptional tasks, that have rarely been seen before, in an environment in which continuous progress and permanent learning is not only encouraged but also necessary. 


Deutsche Werkstätten encourages open communication and flat hierarchies. To have the confidence to learn from one’s own mistakes remains an important aspect of the company’s work ethic. The company actively supports all its employees in this spirit. Jan Jacobsen explains “We are looking for people who are independent thinkers and can take responsibility for their own work. Looking to the future, managing talent within the company is definitely going to be one of the main challenges. Of course, employees should have the best possible qualifications, but they must also feel happy to be here!

Communication as part of corporate culture © Photo: PR DW/ Marlen Mieth
An Attractive Employer